What this site is all about

This website is for people who want to read some funny cat stories. You will learn about my family’s cats: Shadow, Tinkerbell, Hugs, and Cuddles. There is a page for Shadow, Tinker (Tinkerbell), and The Trouble Twins (Hugs and Cuddles). Each cats’ page will have four stories from their perspective. Have you ever looked at your furry best friend and they were doing something that expressed a lot of personality? Did it cause you to imagine what they would say if they could speak the same language as you? Well, that’s what these stories are about. If you’re not sure which cat to start with, you can select your cat mood to find out which cat you are most compatible with and start there. I hope you enjoy my site and maybe even laugh a bit.

image of Shadow on a pillow

Meet Shadow

Shadow became a member of this family when I rescued her from a coworker who had been keeping her and two other kittens in a hamster cage. Don’t worry I made sure they all got homes where they would be happy. I had asked my sister to give me a ride to pick up the kitten from my coworker. My sister did not want pets because she was busy with her kids and didn’t want another creature to care for. She really, really, didn’t like pets very much. I had her hold the kitten while I climbed into the back of the van and that was it. She fell in love and didn’t want to give her back.
After a few days at my house, she surprised her kids with Shadow as their new pet. Everyone was ecstatic. Shadow quickly settled in to her new home where she became the queen of the house. She is pampered and loved by the whole family. She is especially close to my brother-in-law, Andrew. We jokingly call her his other wife, because she demands his attention whenever she can. If she can’t have him she will accept my sister, Barbara, as a substitute for giving her love and attention. She was the first cat for their family and has been with them since 2018.

image of Tinkerbell on the bed

Meet Tinkerbell

Tinkerbell joined the family after we moved to Florida. About a year after we got settled into our new home, we started to think about getting another pet. Shadow is pretty particular about her attentions and prefers to hang out with Andrew or Barbara. We decided that another cat might be nice to provide her with a friend and to give everyone else another pet to love on. We found Tinkerbell on the SPCA adoption website and found out that she was at a nearby pet store for an adoption event. We rushed on over to meet her. Originally her name was Kadabra but since she was a kitten, we decided to get to know her more before choosing a name. It wasn’t long before we realized that she was sassy and cute. We decided to name her Tinkerbell, but usually we just call her Tinker for short. If she is being especially sassy we call her Tinker Stinker.
Tinker tends to be pretty timid around strangers and prefers to hang out with me in my room. At first Shadow babied her a lot but then they settled in to living with one another and get along great. She has the cutest kitten mittens around and aspires to be an insta-cat. Tinker is a bit addicted to temptations cat treats and will get extremely loud and cranky if she is not provided with them often and in great quantity. She is not as thrilled as the rest of the family about our newest kitten additions, but she does tolerate them.

image of Hugs and cuddles on a table

Meet The Trouble Twins (Hugs & Cuddles)

Hugs and Cuddles are the newest members of our family. We decided to look into getting my nephews a kitten for them to play with. Tinker bonded more with me and is timid when they are being loud. Shadow prefers their dad over anyone else and doesn’t like to play with kids very much. At first we considered getting a dog, but quickly realized that we are cat people now. We decided to get a kitten from the SPCA because we heard that they had lots of kittens and were desperately looking for adoptive families. When we went there was a special going where you could get a kitten and then get their friend for free. My sister thought that meant that they would come with a stuffed toy. Boy was she wrong.
When we got to the SPCA it was a buy one kitten get one kitten free sale! My nephews were beyond excited. We met so many kittens but weren’t sure which ones to get. Then a worker directed us to the last room. As soon as we went in two kittens ran up to us. They quickly bonded with the boys and even though my sister didn’t want boy kittens, she gave in pretty quickly. We thought that the kittens were twins, so we named them Hugs and Cuddles since they went together. Later we learned that they are actually a month apart in age. They were bonded though and are very cute together. We brought them home and surprised my brother-in-law who only thought we would be getting one kitten. My nephew, Michael has Hugs, and Gabriel has Cuddles. We have even color themed their collars so that they match with the boys’ favorite colors whenever possible. These little guys get into lots of trouble together and are mischievous little imps. Thankfully, they are also adorable little cuddle bugs who fit perfectly into our family.

Select your cat mood to find your cat match

If you don’t know which cat to read about first, select your cat mood. The cat mood will help you determine which cat you are most like. Then you can start reading about them first.