image of hugs and cuddles on a chair

Why are you interrupting our cuddly lovey time?!?

Cuddles: Hey now! We were having cuddly love time and Hugs was getting my ears clean! You need to go away so we can have our time. How else am I supposed to get my ears clean? He wasn’t even attacking me. We were playing nice. Are you going to scoop me up and kiss me again? I am tired of all the kisses. I need a break! Being this cute is hard work. Lemme be!

image of cuddles laying on stuff on a table

Pure Innocence

Cuddles: What? I am not doing anything. You totally put all of this stuff here as a snuggly bed for me, right? I mean… it’s the perfect bed for me. It is the perfect size. Plus, I can watch everything you guys are up to on the couch. As soon as you finish your drink, I am going to grab your straw so fast! You won’t even know what hit you. Gimme the straws now!

image of hugs on a donut pillow

Pregnant Humans are on to something…

Hugs: Oooph! Pregnant humans have got one thing right. Those pillows with the holes in them are perfect for resting your tummy in! This donut pillow is the best spot to rest. This is the comfiest I have been in a while. Mmmmmm stretch… ahhh relaxation is the best. I am going to lay here and rest my poor tummy. All those treats and foods are stretching my poor belly to bits.

image of hugs and cuddles in a cubby

Mischief Planning in Progress

Hugs: Hey now! Go spy on somebody else! We have mischief to manage over here. I am trying to plan the best method to attack your hoodie strings when you least expect it. Shoo human! Shoo! I have almost convinced Cuddles to be my cute, decoy kitten brother. You get out of here now! Unless you have… treats or toys for me? I could be bought off with a few temptations.