image of Shadow playing with a toy squirrel

First day of Freedom

Today was a weird day. I was released from the hamster cage of doom and thrown by one of the children at a new human. I have now left the cranky kitten bullies behind and am on a new adventure. I got to snuggle a new human and we went on a drive to this new place. There is so much space everywhere I don’t know what to do with so much room! Then I found a crazy squirrel! It is so fuzzy and fluffy and fun to wrestle. With all this space around I can run super-fast and super far. I bet if I try hard enough, I could bounce right off the wall! I wonder if I will meet any other new humans. These ones have treats and space and fun toys!!!!

image of Shadow in a dress

The Things I Do For My Humans

Oh my heck. My humans are ridiculous. They have now taken to dressing me in clothes! RIDICULOUS HUMANS! My mama human made a dress… a dress! Then she tied it up and shoved it onto me. How could she do this to me?!? Doesn’t she know I am above such things. I am better than this. I have FUR! I don’t need stupid human, removable, fur-clothes. I am too beautiful for such things. She says it looks “cute” on me. I guess I can put up with it for her. I mean… I do make it look good. It is kinda cozy and makes me a bit sleepy… maybe I can go take a nap. I bet she will give me extra treats if I humor her and wear this thing. Naptime incoming in 5… 4…. 3…. 2… 1.

image of Shadow on boxes

The view from Above

From up high I can see everything… The humans don’t even know I am here! I can hide and they scamper around looking for me like the pathetic human creatures they are. I am in charge and I will rule them all! Muahahahahahaha! I am the Queen of the WORLD! From here I can see everything. I can tell who has treats and who has fun toys. I make the decisions now! Obey me humans!

image of Shadow cleaning cuddles

New kittens to Baby

They brought home two new kittens. At first, I wasn’t sure about this. Now I can see some benefits. These kittens are good for distracting the human children. They were getting annoying and wanted to play with me all the time. Now they can play with these kittens instead. These kittens are fun to chase around, pin down, and lick clean. Cuddles is especially fun to pin down and clean. He is a soft and cuddly little kitten baby. I will have to keep them around.