image of Tinker on the archway

Not coming down

Ha! I will only come down from here for treats. I am the most gorgeous Insta-cat around. You must give me treats to acknowledge my beauty. I can pose anywhere! Do you see this amazingness? I am posed perfectly above the archway. Take your pictures you mere mortal. Enjoy my majesty. Now Give Me TREATS!

image of tinker with a ball of yarn

Yarn, yarn, my yarn!

This is my fabulous yarn ball. You may not have it! It is all mine and I will play with it whenever I want. I love yarn. There is so much yarn in this house and I finally get a yarn ball of my very own! It’s because I am beautiful, isn’t it?!? I am so fabulous that I require a ball of yarn and treats… don’t forget the treats. I like the temptations please. Did you forget about the temptations?!? Bring them to me… NOW!

image of tinker laying on a tv

The defeat of the Screen!

It is official, I have defeated the screen that takes my humans’ attention away from me. Now she cannot have it back. I will keep the screen and she will only pay attention to me! She will give me all the temptations and my yarn ball. She will no longer stare at the big screen because I have conquered it. Now human…. Bring me my treats and yarn!!!!

image of tinker looking at a cat on the computer

Poor Trapped Screen Cat

What is this?!? How could you do this to a poor kitten?!? My human has trapped a kitten in her little screen. She won’t let it go. How can it eat temptations?!? How can it play with yarn when it is trapped in the glowing screen? Let them out! Let them out I say. Wait… if I get them out of there do I have to share my temptations? Maybe I should take a nap instead.